Laying in bed listening to VickiBR on ustream felt like drawing. Looking at my daughter made a fairy using her face as inspiration. Never colored in a picture I drew before. I figured i would use the inktense I just got. should have used water color paper instead of sketch paper. cause it kinda rubbed away bits of paper. Love the INKTENSE by DERWENT. The color is really intense. The other water colors are from CTMH they were nice until i found these guys. I think i need some gesso over it i may just cover it up or at least the outer parts of it. Had fun with that.
Today was the last day of Tech camp for the kids so now i can vegg out for the rest of the summer. Would be nice but not possible as i have 3 kids and a hubby to take care of. Life is good If I relaxed any more I'd be dead.
Hubby working nights and the kids and I are watching Shrek forever after, its a cute movie. guess i should really watch it and not be on the computer . so off i go.
All about me, myself and my families crazy life. Sharing what I love to spend my time on SCRAPBOOKING and time with my family. sharing my new found love of Filofax's, what i have to do daily clean, wash and other boring stuff but its all fun.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Ok so I did 2 pages also these last couple of days too.
this other one same thing pickers where so bad but the paper helped i think. their eyes were so scary in this one but they where the only pics i had. knowing that my hubby bought me a new camera. cant wait to get it in the mail. canon i think know i have to read instructions on how to use a camera and take time away from my scrapbooking.
makin a book just cause i felt like it.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
forced to get my groove back.
This LO is the one i had done before i went on my so called vacation it was of our last summer vacation trip before i had lost my Mojo. I believe i found it though or at least a bit of it. As for my drawer box thingy haven't done anymore with it cause I'm just not happy with the drawers. Its all in my face so I cant let forget it. That way I WILL finish it. that's it for now on to my next layout. after the baseball game
Monday, June 20, 2011
Technically it Monday morning but cant get any sleep so why not.
Fathers day went alright the kids and i had to travel out of town to get milk and ended up shopping for a months load of groceries. considering I had to go with all three kids, all under 8 yrs old to the walmart it didn't go so bad. only on the way back home from this hour long trip their was a fire on the side of the high way next to the power plant( sorry no pics as i was driving). someone must have thrown a cigarette out the window cause it was about a 20 foot radius. Very scary! We have had fires all around us for a few weeks now but this day it was so hazy you couldn't even see the sky. The sun was red from all the smoke. Was just glad to make it home safe.
Dad worked today and came home beat. since we are on a solitaire super bowl till Tuesday. He had to stay up and play. I let him know it was fine if he didn't want to play today I understand. Well guess who won Again. Yup I won Again. lol. I am the CHAMPION! at least for now. I will take what i can get. watched a few ustream videos and started working on my box of drawer project. I had posted pictures early this week but i guess not. My SPINT phone SUCKS! ohh did i say that, my bad. huh. So i will post my picture of it later today cause my camera is in the room where the husband is asleep....shhhhh. That is all for now. I hope.
Dad worked today and came home beat. since we are on a solitaire super bowl till Tuesday. He had to stay up and play. I let him know it was fine if he didn't want to play today I understand. Well guess who won Again. Yup I won Again. lol. I am the CHAMPION! at least for now. I will take what i can get. watched a few ustream videos and started working on my box of drawer project. I had posted pictures early this week but i guess not. My SPINT phone SUCKS! ohh did i say that, my bad. huh. So i will post my picture of it later today cause my camera is in the room where the husband is asleep....shhhhh. That is all for now. I hope.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Saturday morning blues
I have no mojo this morning. I attempted a mini album but NADA! picked paper tried a cut but I wasn't happy with the result so instead of getting frustrated I put it away. Then I attempted to organize another area of my desk but, I'm just not in the mood. I thought I could decorate my wooden caddy & that was a no go. Just watching scrapbeach on ustream but Its so slow It's aggravating me. I guess I will try some music and breakfast hopefully that works cause I'm in the mood to do something other than cleaning but, Its just not going on for me this morning & I just received 2 hundred plus pictures from shutterfly. Its not that i don't have things I want to do I just don't have the drive this morning and the kids are still asleep so its perfect timing to scrapbook. I just don't know whats my deal. This is good I guess i felt like blogging this morning. Now for a pic insert hummmmm, I guess...............blah blah blah... .lol i so crazy sometimes i have to laugh even if its at my self
Friday, June 17, 2011
todays agenda 2 detangle this fiber.
So, istarted with coffee. Couldn't find 2 many videos. 2 watch, since I have become addicted 2 them and haven't been craft as much. I decided to clean my craft area cause the clutter keeps me from focusing on it, the videos. Clean off my area and came across this yarn that my kitten got into and started on that :-\. I'm not sure how long I' been at it but mother-in-law call so I am off to help her order her avon.... 2 b continued....
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011
What to do today?
So started off my morning with a big cut o coffee and a lifetime movie, but i want to get up and do something productive today and i don't mean clean and wash the laundry. though that is first on the list, not by choice. so i would like to make a specials day calendar, paint the walls in the dinning room and get some curtains for our master bed room. I need to think about what colors look good with wood floor not that they are in yet but we have the materials sitting in the corner of the dinning room taking up good space i may have to install them myself but i hope not. well off to clean, clean and wash.Or hey i hear queencity arts is on ustream now so i guess ill fix the room
Monday, June 13, 2011
first youtube vid was a bust
so i made a video thought i new what i was doing cant figure it out but i will give it another go once i figure it out not sure what program to use or what but i will try with my camera and download instead of with my computer. Its just a haul but i will try again. I need to figure out how to put the thingies on the side of my blog too lil adds or what ever they are called i should buy a book or something.this is a to be continued project.wish me luck cause my crazy butt will need it
My window envelope swap in return.
I received my swap return the day after i returned from cali vacation, it was so nice to receive them just like a welcome home gift. I had to share the goodness. beautiful work ladies and thank you cant wait to put them in a page or something, more ideas. thanks a bunch. love them i think i need a shelf to put them up on so i can use them as inspiration. I love the swap. Happy Happy, Joy Joy.........really hope to see videos on how they made theirs and i wish i would have made of vid on how i made mine too. wonder what the ladies think that received mine?....... ill have to check out every ones blogs and youtube vids. simply love them them
cricut die cuts colored with copics
Saturday, June 4, 2011
OMG back in the home town and i don't know how to behave
So shopping at the michael loved it. I had a chance to go without the kids after so long and it was so nice and quiet. but i don't know how to act in a store without a kid. talking to my self like someone i really listening. hello its just me then i thought hey i am done i am going to get to the check out and call it a day. right! so i get to the check out to a frustrated cashier that tells me that there is only one line its only 2 of us here. no problem right ill go get in the line. so the lady and i just switched places. cool. huh not even i ran over this big dudes foot so i say sorry my bad. no problem. i had just asked if they were in line no response so i just stood there. then i here "oh dang if i was still in the pen i would walk out of here n not even think twice bought it" poop I'm not scared im from cali right. then i realize that i had cut in front of them and not a word at me. not a hey lady get to the back of the line not a B move your butt out of here. Nada. so i turned around to see i had 5 people behind me and being threatened by these 2 guys behind me. so My bad where they there first, did i just cut infront of them. I have no clue cause people in cali cant talk normal but i know this i am just thankful that i didnt get my but wooped. think my story ends their. not! then i go to the back of the line and stand their and text my husband telling him what just happened laughing cause i thought it was funny. slam!!! i dropped my basket. i ignore it and pick it up and not just once but yup you guessed it twice. me, my life, my luck. how could i not laugh about it. finally get to the cashier that had a bad day and let her now what a good job they are doing and thanks for being so good at her job. Have a great day! i left and remembering why i don't miss cali so much and as far as micheal's goes i much rather shop on line their is no attitude no threats and no dropping of the baskets in the line i just cut people off in line. love the ville. hope that sarcasm came out in that last line. the shopping expirence was bad they dont have a big variety like on line shopping and i much rather wait for my product and pay for the shipping if i have to deal with a bunch of rude physical people. this is just my experience. stay tuned for my next cali outing
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